Advertise With Us
Benefits of advertising with us
- Our News editions are been read by people all over the world.
- Our website has an average hit of 20000 per day and it has already crossed 1.5 crore hits till now.
- We are on all types of social media i.e., Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
- So, to sum-up it can be said that your advertisement will receive a huge number of views through us.
Technical Data
(For Newspaper)
Print Area:
Full Page:
36cm. X 25 cm. (Height X Width)Half Page:
18cm. X 25 cm. (Height X Width)5 Coloumns to a page - Col. Width - 5cm.
Material Requirements
(For Newspaper)
5 Columns to a page - Col. Width – 5 cm.
Artwork/ Art pull/ Positive of the same size.
Material deadlines:
5 days before the Publication
Deadline for Smart Investment Financial
Weekly Publication Every Friday by 5 PM.
Deadline for Smart Bonanza Every
Tuesday by 12 AM.

Requirements for
Social Media
Links for social media handles (if any)
Image / Video regarding advertisement (if any).
Image / Video regarding advertisement (if any).
Advertisement(Special Position or Page):
450/- per Column/cm. in
Smart Investment Financial weekly
English and Gujarati, Smart Bonanza,
and Smart Plus newsletter.
Social Media
Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn:
1500/-* Per Photo2000/-* Per Video (per 30 seconds)
Telegram post:
10000/-* for 250 words15000/-* for 350 words
*Single Time Post.