Franklin Industries Ltd

Opening Date Closing Date Face Value Issue Price Lot Size Listing At Total Issue Size Basis of Allotment Initiation of Refunds Credit of Shares to Demat Listing Date
24-05-2024 11-05-2024 1 per share 3.58 108,450,000 BSE N/A

About The Company


Incorporated in February 1983, Franklin Industries Limited is a company that trades in agricultural commodities, such as wheat, rice, maize, vegetables (including capsicum, tomato, etc.), fruits (including mango, watermelon, grapes, etc.), and other agricultural products. The company also provides contract manufacturing services for agricultural products such as cucumber, onion, and castor. We source these products from manufacturers by paying an advance payment or according to agreed terms, and then sell them to our network of distributors. Through our presence in the market, we have developed strong relationships with both farmers and the wholesaler/retailer community.

Thecompany practices contract manufacturing by leasing agricultural land where they cultivate Cucumbers, Onions, and Castor. The company shares a part of the yield with the farmers who work on a contractual basis on the leased land, thereby supporting the local farmers' community.;


Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth Reserves and Surplus Total Borrow
31-03-2023 10 21 0 0.48 0
31-03-2022 11 17 0 0.26 0 0
31-03-2021 6 15 15 0.25 0 0

IPO Listing Details

Listing Date
BSE Script Code N/A
NSE Symbol N/A
Final Issue Price 0

Promoter holdings

Pre Issue Share Holding
Post Issue Share Holding

Contact Information of the Company

Franklin Industries Ltd
Jivraj Park, Ahmedabad,-380051

Phone: +917621806491

IPO Registrar

IPO Lead Manager